Toothfairy horror
Toothfairy horror

toothfairy horror toothfairy horror

However, in both of those cases, the good stuff far outweighed the bad for me. It didn't help that the climax is also slightly marred with hyperactive editing. The most crucial for me occurred during the climax, where there were a couple actions taken that I was a bit confused about. The other flaw is that there are occasional lapses in plot logic. Chaotic editing is the only thing that would fit. For example, there is a scene set the small town police station that is inherently chaotic.

toothfairy horror

However, I also realized this time that at least occasionally, the editing is perfect for the scene. Occasionally it was so fast that I couldn't very well tell what was going on. The main flaw for me was some of the super-fast editing during the horror "action" scenes. I think the difference this time was for two primary reasons-one, when I first saw this in the theater it was in the midst of a slew of horror films that had similar themes, and maybe I was getting tired of it by the time I watched this one, and two, I think the positive aspects worked well enough for me this time that I was more forgiving of the few flaws the film has. Darkness Falls (2003) is a case where my rating has gone up quite a bit since my last encounter with it. Sometimes my rating goes down, sometimes it goes up, and sometimes it stays the same, but I like or dislike the film for different reasons than I did on my first viewing. It's very rare that my opinion remains the same on a film from one viewing to the next. Is the "Tooth Fairy" more than just a childhood myth? It's so much fun watching films multiple times. It seems that a town legend of the "Tooth Fairy" is haunting his imagination, and Walsh had similar experiences. Kyle Walsh (Chaney Kley) returns to the small town of Darkness Falls to help his childhood girlfriend, Caitlin Greene (Emma Caulfield), whose brother is hospitalized with severe night terrors.

Toothfairy horror